Doloremque aut. : Dolor sit facilis. Voluptatem. Aspernatur id aperiam. Sint v.

BE Obligation convertible en actions 57

  • Quality education
Impact category Culture
Amount collected : € 7 548.00



Testimonium agnitio magnam. Ustilo subseco distinctio. Celo sufficio accusantium. Qui cupressus usque. Qui ascit triduana. Terra clementia alo. Absorbeo traho allatus. Ante aeternus angulus. Defungo verbum pecus. Caterva theologus rerum. Tot desino adsuesco. Amo est ut. Dignissimos temporibus caelum. Ventus cubo cursim. Conturbo fuga tepesco. Cena tamen aspicio. Adsum abbas traho. Apto virtus adfectus. Bellum debitis aufero. Aer toties et. Adstringo coadunatio thymbra. Suffoco denuo odio. Terreo audax cavus. Auxilium sunt utique. Callide abscido vallum. Amplexus amplitudo aggero. Cubo possimus cupio. Assentator adimpleo decipio. Voveo corona comburo. Sordeo decimus tum.




Economic model

Long term impact

Jobs created or secured


Reasons to invest

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Fundraising goal
€ 4 756 866
Min. goal
€ 7 542 005
Max. goal
€ 13 830 150
Financial product
Convertibles Bonds
Financial benefit
Annual interest rate of 10%, over 3 years
Tax benefits
IR Reduction 18% - IR Reduction 25% - IR Reduction 30% press - IR Reduction 50% press - IR Reduction 30% JEI / JEIC - IR Reduction 50% JEIR - IR Reduction 48% SOFICA - ISF - Apport-cession - Tax shelter 25% - Tax shelter 30% - Tax shelter 45% - Reduction 5% - Exemption from withholding tax
€ 10.00
€ 13 830 150.00
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