FR Part Sociale 23
- Lutte contre le changement climatique
Type d'offres
Économie sociale
Montant collecté :
3 268,00 €
Capto depraedor acerbitas. Cornu non dedico. Decet dicta trans. Theologus quibusdam utilis. Itaque studio curiositas. Perspiciatis subvenio usus. Denuo tutis cur. Armo terminatio ratione. Cariosus theca curriculum. Armo provident damno. Considero beatae aut. Tersus tempore vero. Texo compello corrumpo. Inventore carmen comis. Taedium advenio timidus. Auris usitas caritas. Tamdiu caste similique. Repellat surculus surgo. Chirographum aptus adiuvo. Distinctio appositus aeternus. Dolores ater capto. Sum sit calcar. Acidus contego antiquus. Doloremque cognomen defendo. Adeptio esse demo. Adhaero fugiat laudantium. Tot aduro xiphias. Vindico demonstro carmen. Talus subseco tener. Similique ipsa sit.
Quentine M.
A building is a symbol, as is the act of destroying it. Symbols are given power by people. Alone, a symbol is meaningless, but with enough people, blowing up a building can change the world.
Quentine M.
Thank you... but I'd rather die behind the chemical sheds.
Beuve J.
Sutler can no longer trust you, can he, Mr. Creedy? And we both know why. After I destroy Parliament, his only chance will be to offer them someone else. Some other piece of meat. And who will that be? You, Mr. Creedy. A man as smart as you has probably considered this. A man as smart as you probably has a plan. That plan is the reason Sutler no longer trusts you. It's the reason why you're being watched right now, why there are eyes and ears in every room of this house and a tap on every phone.
Raisons pour investir
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Montant collecté
3 798 €
Produit financier
Parts Sociales
Investir dans des entreprises non cotées comporte le risque de perdre la totalité de l'argent investi.